Help | How to delete scheduled messages?

All messages created or sent by the Message Scheduler app can be deleted. 


Deleting a message that has already been sent

Once a scheduled message has been sent, it can be edited or deleted like any normal Slack message. 

screenshot showing how to delete a scheduled message that has already been sent

Deleting a message that has not sent yet

With the dashboard

The best way to delete a scheduled message is via the dashboard. You can access the dashboard by open a direct message with Message Scheduler.

screenshot of message scheduler home dashboard

In any channel with Slash command

To delete using the slash commandsend one of these commands in any channel to trigger.

To delete a specific message

 /schedule delete X

Where X is the message ID to delete. You can see your scheduled messages and retrieve message ID’s using the command /schedule list . Or by opening a direct message with Message Scheduler. 

screenshot of message scheduler advanced dashboard with message id shown

In this example I would send /schedule delete 123


To delete all of your scheduled messages 

/schedule delete all


To delete the last scheduled message

/schedule delete last 


Recurring messages

Deleting a recurring message will not delete any messages that have already been sent. All future instances will be deleted. You can check your dashboard at any time to confirm the status of a message.